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How can i take care of my stainless steel bathroom accessories?

Simply wipe your product down regularly with a warm damp cloth then buff it dry. Dust particles contain contaminants,and if they are allowed to settle on any product for long enough, they will eventually cause marks to form.

    Removing light scratches: Metal polish can be used to remove light scratches or blemishes.

    Tile grout cleaner is out: Never use tile grout cleaner on your CRADE 304 Stainless Steel products, as it will cause brown marks that are almost impossible to remove. lf you are retling your bathroom -it is always better to remove any stainlesssteel fittinas or fixtures beforehand, and only re-install them once the grout has been successfully applied and the excesstile grout has been removed.

    Steel wool is a no-no: Never scour the surface with steel wool, as it will cause scratches on your Stainless Steel product and it will contaminate the surface

    Chlorine will damage the surface: Avoid any household detergents that contain Chlorine as this can affect the surface finish of your Stainless Steel product.

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